Electric convection oven, 4x 600x400 mm + manual humidifier
Delivery with 2 plates in stainless steel and 1 grill EN 600x400 mm.
Chamber with rounded corners, in AISI 430 stainless steel, outside in AISI 430 stainless steel.
Distance between boards 70 mm.
Pipe for the evacuation of the condensate.
T° from 50°C to 270°C, 2 motors with fans (2600 rpm), internal lighting.
Folding door with double glazing, stainless steel handle, gasket on the counter door "easily removable", removable inner glass for easy maintenance.

Gas oven, 6 pizzas 350 mm
Chamber: 1080x720xh185 mm (18,5 kW), 6 pizzas diam. 350 mm (or) 2 pizzas diam. 500 mm
Production capacity: 48 to 54 pizzas /H (Diam. 350mm) or 16 to 18 pizzas /H (Diam. 500mm)
2 stackable ovens (6+6)
Stainless steel chamber, refractory stone base, thick rock wool insulation
"Oura" for the evacuation of smoke and steam
Double recessed interior lighting "high T°".
Door return by spring, stainless steel handle on the whole length of the door, "panoramic" safety glass window lined with a protective glass against heat, ceramic fiberglass seal
Electronic valve control with spark plug and safety devices
Stainless steel arch to prevent temperature drop when opening the door
Safety thermostat as standard
Independent" and extractable control panel with double digital display (selected and real T°), easy service, cooling fan.
The device is built in compliance with the CE standards in force.

Electric convection oven 10x En (GN) withautomatic humidifier
Electric convection oven 10x En (GN) with
automatic humidifier
(L x D x H) V : 920x750x1080 mm
kW : 1400 V : 400-230/3N 50Hz

Levitation cupboard for ovens, 2 doors, 2x6 levels
- Structures with slides for plates (2x6 levels) included, double row (600x400 EN or 530x325 GN1/1)
- 2 glass doors -
- Structure for plates (74 mm), removable
- Door in tempered glass (6 mm) with stainless steel handle
- Heating through stainless steel armoured resistances
- Adjustable slides
- GN vat inside (on the bottom), tu put water and to humidify the cupboard
- On/off switch
- Mechanical thermosat (30° to 60°C) with pilot light
- Manufactured in stainless steel
- Adjustable stainless steel feet
- Equipment manufactured following the (CE) standards in force.

Electric oven 6 pizzas, 1 chamber